Grassy Path to Paved Sidewalk

Shortly JBVC operated at 105 Gibson Cultural Café, JBVC approached City of Markham to change the grassy path on the south side of Gibson to a paved sidewalk for visually impaired person (VIP).

We had face-to-face meeting with City representative regarding our request. We learned during the meeting our request was not easily to fulfill for at least two reasons, beside the unknown environmental impact which may prevent the sidewalk to be built. There was already a sidewalk on the north side of Gibson, and it is unusual for the City to build another sidewalk on the same street. Furthermore, There may not be many people to use the sidewalk and therefore, it is not feasible for the City to do it. We had felt discourage after the meeting. However, we put our faith in God! Because God brought VIP to Gibson and He will make the way for us!

Praise the Lord! He answered our prayers! God opened the City representative’s heart shortly after our meeting! He agreed with our need and put forward the recommendation to build the paved sidewalk for VIP!

For the glory of God, City of Markham has removed the grassy path on the south side of Gibson with the paved sidewalk in spring 2018! The construction project completed within a few weeks! Today VIP and Gibson’s users can safely walk to the Centre! Once again, God has made the impossible to possible! May all the glory and praises be our Lord Jesus Christ Himself! Amen!

View of construction sidewalk