時間:下午 3:00
查詢:Tommy Chu (604.446.6386)
時間:下午 3:00
查詢:Tommy Chu (604.446.6386)
Refresh your soul and mind. Come join us for a morning of stimulating conversations, meaningful exchanges, and nourishing prayer.
Our Friday morning English Speaking Prayer Group (ESPG) invites all individuals, with visual impairments, to participate in this meaningful, supportive ZOOM get-together. Hosted by the Joy Beyond Vision Community (JBVC) and facilitated by Pastor Danny Leung, all Christians and non-Christians are welcome.
If interested and to get more details, please send an email to ESPG@JBVC.CA.
In community, we are united, stronger, and never alone.
Peace and Blessing,
The ESPG Team
With the support from Right-Hear, our 105 Gibson Cultural Café location is now the first Café in Canada which is listed in the “Nearby Accessibility Zones” of “Right-Hear” app!
“Right-Hear” provides voice orientation for visually impaired person (VIP) and the app can be downloaded in both Android and iOS for free. It allows users to know their current location, get 360° of space orientation by simply pointing the phone to a specific direction. You can learn more about “Right-Hear” and feel free to download the app and visit the Café to experience it!
If God is willing, JBVC will have VIP to setup the system and install the beacon in other venue! It will be an employment opportunity for VIP! Feel free to contact us for more information!
Shortly JBVC operated at 105 Gibson Cultural Café, JBVC approached City of Markham to change the grassy path on the south side of Gibson to a paved sidewalk for visually impaired person (VIP).
We had face-to-face meeting with City representative regarding our request. We learned during the meeting our request was not easily to fulfill for at least two reasons, beside the unknown environmental impact which may prevent the sidewalk to be built. There was already a sidewalk on the north side of Gibson, and it is unusual for the City to build another sidewalk on the same street. Furthermore, There may not be many people to use the sidewalk and therefore, it is not feasible for the City to do it. We had felt discourage after the meeting. However, we put our faith in God! Because God brought VIP to Gibson and He will make the way for us!
Praise the Lord! He answered our prayers! God opened the City representative’s heart shortly after our meeting! He agreed with our need and put forward the recommendation to build the paved sidewalk for VIP!
For the glory of God, City of Markham has removed the grassy path on the south side of Gibson with the paved sidewalk in spring 2018! The construction project completed within a few weeks! Today VIP and Gibson’s users can safely walk to the Centre! Once again, God has made the impossible to possible! May all the glory and praises be our Lord Jesus Christ Himself! Amen!
樂明視障團為慶祝位於萬錦市 105 Gibson Drive 的文化咖啡廊邁向四週年,昨日 (較早前) 下午舉行的“VIP謝謝你的愛”文化咖啡廊開放日,獲萬錦市市長、多名萬錦及烈治文山市議員、以及大批市民出席,除免費品嘗獲奬港式奶茶及欣賞豐富節目外,與會者均增加對視障人士的了解,對視障人士積極重投社會工作給予極大支持。
Continue reading “文化咖啡廊開放日獲市長及巿民支持 盼大眾更了解及關注視障人士景況 – May 1st, 2017”
感謝主!七月份JBVC有兩位VIP參加 2016 國際北美地區金茶王比賽。在衆多有経驗的明眼參賽者中,最後VIP 獲得亞軍和安慰獎。上帝再次得著榮耀。盼望日後 JBVC 有更多機會與不同機構和教會合作,將神所賜服侍教會和社區。
可讀416加国生活网記者 Stella Zhu 的訪問
感謝主,上帝帶領一位從夏威夷來的朋友,來到culture Cafe 和Pastor Danny見面。三個月前這位朋友不能接受自己視力漸漸消沉。Rev. Danny 和他分享神在他生命中的見証。他得著鼓勵。二星期後,他決志信主。現在返教會,祈禱會及主日学。生命變得積極。他分享他現在人生,在神裏有盼望。
60 volunteers and VIPs were able to reach beyond the set targets in 2016 Scotia Bank Charity Challenge in Mississauga marathon!
Thanks to the Lord – the 5km marathon in April was immensely successful! God has led 60 sighted and VIPs to participate in this event. Not only were other participating organizations encouraged via this event, they also got to know more about JBVC. We are grateful that the fundraising target was reached, and we have received an award from the Scotia Bank for raising the most amounts of funds. It was a great testimony of God’s amazing works. We’re so grateful that God has watched over JBVC, considering it is still a small, lesser-known charity.
Once again, we would like to thank you every brother & sister who participated or sponsored the event!
Read MORE, blog written by one of the runner
Thanks to the Lord – in July, Two VIPs competed in the 2016 International North America region Kamcha competition. Among all the experienced, sighted candidates, our VIPs were able to obtain the second place! May God be glorified!
We hope that in the future, Cultural Café will have more opportunities to collaborate with different organizations and churches, to use the God-given gifts and give back to the society.
Read More the interview by Stella Zhu 加国生活网life416
Thanks to the Lord – God has led a friend from US to the Cultural Café and met with rev. Danny and his team. Three months ago, he started to suffer from depression because he could not accept the fact that he has become blind. Pastor Danny shared with him the works of God in his life, and this friend was deeply encouraged. Two weeks later, he decided to accept Jesus Christ as his personal god, and now he attends church and listens the bible regularly. He is able to live a life with meaning and hope!
1.Pray that God will lead volunteers to serve in the Cultural Café and JBVC.
2.Pray that God will call a colleague to serve in JBVC.
3.Expansion of JBVC’s services to the Mississauga area in 2017
4.Funding for JBVC’s operations in 2017 – we pray that God will support us through offerings from church and brothers & sisters.
JBVC manages by a small team of staff and unpaid volunteers. Please consider helping by making a single or regular donation at
All donations truly appreciate and help to cover the financial costs of maintaining and developing services for the VIP.