Opening Doors for All Abilities-Making AODA a Priority at Your Church – Feb 9th, 2017

Opening Doors for All Abilities
Opening Doors for All Abilities


AODA, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, has been enforced as law since 2005. It mandates all organizations to provide equal access to business and programs to all persons with disabilities.

This day is an opportunity to learn what you can do to meet the legal requirements for AODA within your church and programs.

There is a general session with an overview of the AODA legislation. A panel of representatives from different disability groups will explain how accessibility affects their participation at our churches. Four concurrent workshops after the general session will address the applications of AODA in the areas of:

  • Philosophy of Inclusion: Pastoral considerations
  • Practical considerations for children and youth ministries
  • Accessible environment
  • Drafting an AODA policy

A list of resources will be provided at the workshop to help you with implementation.

Register now at Registration fees is $10.

This event is organized by the Church Network for Supporting Disabilities and is co-sponsored by Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada and Richmond Hill Christian Community Church.

Join us for an opportunity to learn about the legal requirements for AODA within your church and programs. Keynote speaker and panelists:

Rev. Rob Miner – Keynote

Mrs. Lynne Leyland – Panelist

Rev. Danny Leung – Panelist

Venue and Registration Details: Richmond Hill Christian community Church

9670 Bayview Avenue, Richmond Hill, ON. L4C 9X9

Feb. 9, 2017 9am – 1 PM

Register Oline Now 


Sweetie’s Farewell Party on Aug 13, Saturday

Thank you for your participation at Sweetie’s Farewell Party on Saturday August 13th! It was well-attended and we raised about $400 in total. About half of the proceed has been donated to the 105 Gibson Ministry and the rest to guide dog school.

Many of us learned tips and tricks about interacting with guide dogs and their owners. We also had lots of snacks and took pictures with Sweetie!


Special Events – 這里有光 伊甸盲人喜樂合唱團

親愛的樂明團友及家人 :
平安 ! 
九月份聚會又到啦 ! :
今次是誠邀台灣伊甸喜樂合唱團 (一班視障弟兄姊妹)
日期 : 9月24日(週六) 
時間 : 上午11時
地點 : 多倫多華人基督教會舉行(100 Acadia),
內容 : 音樂佈道會
We welcome all VIP, family and friends to attend. It is free. 
People can contact 647.558.5282 or for more info.
這里有光 伊甸盲人喜樂合唱團
這里有光 伊甸盲人喜樂合唱團

Ministry Upcomeing Soon

Coming Soon

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us….” (Ephesians 3:20 NIV)

  • Saturday, January 16, 2016, instructor from City of Markham is conducting the Food Handler course for Cultural Café VIP and volunteers at Toronto Christian Community Church.
  • Starting on January 17 to March 20, total of 10 Sunday, JBVC is having a team of VIP and helpers are preparing lunches for the homeless in TCCC’s out of the Cold program.
  • Saturday March 19, 2016, JBVC is organizing a Dinner in the Dark fund raising event at 105 Gibson Centre. The event is open to the public, please contact pastor Danny at for more information.
  • Weekend of April 30, 2016, JBVC will participate in the Scotiabank Mississauga Marathon while raising funds for VIP Ministry. 100% money we raised will go directly to provide services to help visually impaired people. Please support us by forming a team or making donation to JBVC. You can contact pastor Danny for more information at

Support Us!

As we ask God to continue to work through our ministry in 2016—our 10th year of reaching out to visually impaired people (VIP) — would you prayerfully consider the part you will play in changing lives by donating or, if you are already donating, by becoming a regular monthly offering? A JBVC gift in honor of someone you care about makes a difference in the lives of people who are blind or partially sighted, helping those lead active, independent lives. Your donation helps us change lives every day.

Donation can give securely online by clicking here. Or you can also mail donations to:

PO Box 825
4936 Yonge St.
Toronto, ON M2N 6S3 Continue reading “Ministry Upcomeing Soon”

Mississauga Marathon April 30 2016

Mississauga Marathon 2016
Mississauga Marathon 2016

Fund Raising for JBVC

You are invited to join the Greater Toronto Spring Marathon on
Saturday, April 30, 6:00 p.m.
with us to fundraise for
Joy Beyond Vision Community (JBVC)

For marathon details / to donate to JBVC, please visit

Entry fee, processing fee, HST applicable
A race kit which includes a race bib, timing chip, t-shirt and swag bag provided Continue reading “Mississauga Marathon April 30 2016”

人生盛宴 八月嘉賓: 梁立安牧師

「人生盛宴」是中信中心與頌主播道會合辦的晚餐聚會, 於每月的第四個星期五晚上舉行, 內容包括有晚膳, 卡拉 OK, 排舞及訪問, 讓嘉賓們說出自己生命的故事, 及如何藉著信仰得著一個豐盛的人生。

八月嘉賓: 梁立安牧師, 樂明視障團的負責人與你分享他如何在黑暗中找到那光芒的故事。


日期: 2015 年 8 月 28 日

時間:晚上 7:00 – 9:20

地點:中信中心 (Agincourt Mall at Kennedy & Sheppard)

晚膳收費: 自由奉獻

海報: Continue reading “人生盛宴 八月嘉賓: 梁立安牧師”