時間:下午 3:00
查詢:Tommy Chu (604.446.6386)
時間:下午 3:00
查詢:Tommy Chu (604.446.6386)
You are invited to join the Spring Mississauga Marathon 5km
Run/Walk with us to fundraise for Joy Beyond Vision Community (JBVC)
日期: Date: |
2020年5月2日 (星期六) Saturday, May 2nd 2020 |
時間: Time: |
下午6時 6pm |
地點: Location: |
密市湖濱 Port Credit, Mississauga |
五公里路線圖 Route Map |
查詢: Inquiry: |
647-558-5282 info@jbvc.ca |
You can do at least ONE of the followings to support us ~~~
Simply share our events to your friends!
Support our run with a donation:
► 齊來運動並參與:五公里是我們的目標,邀請你一起出發!
4月1日前可享報名費晨鳥優惠 – $45,歡迎註册報名,提供免費巴士接送來回士嘉堡與密市,報名請參照以下指南及須知:
Register and run with us! Enjoy the early bird rate of $45 if registered before March 1st. Shuttle bus between Scarborough and Mississauga is available. Please follow the instruction to register:
5k Registration Instructions
Please feel free to download the forms:
Sponsorship form (for sponsors)
Pledge form (for participants)
For God’s glory! Project SpotLight 2019 was successfully completed! It could not have happened in the last two years without the generosity of our friends in the community. JBVC is humble and grateful for all the people who came and watched the movie with us, appreciate all the hard work from many volunteers, and thankful to our wonderful partners, BrokerTeam Insurance and Across U-Hub, for bringing this event to the great success! We are also thankful to have our MPP Daisy Wai for presenting Project SpotLight and sharing her thoughts at the Ontario Legislature after the event.
It is our honour to have you with us at TIFF Bell Lightbox. We could not do it without your involvement. We pray JBVC will have the opportunity to partner with you again in the future.
Until then, may God bless all of you with peace and joy.
Please click here for more event photos.
Project Partners:樂明視障團、聯合保險及燃動青年今年共同主辦Project SPOTLIGHT 2019, 將於11月呈獻屢獲國際獎項的香港紀錄片電影《爭氣》。這場電影會的粵語口述影像稿件由香港盲人輔導會提供及指導,並將由燃動青年的年青義工為視障觀眾提供即時口述。屆時本片導演楊紫燁及創作顧問任國光將從香港到多倫多出席,與觀眾分享關於電影的人和事。
本活動以英語及粵語進行,電影附設英文及繁體中文字幕。我們更提供免費穿梭巴士(Mississauga, Markham and Scarborough)接送第一塲的觀眾。由於反應熱烈,兩塲門票已全部送完,多謝各界支持,一同創造這場由家長、年青人、教育界及商界共襄的社區對話!
日期: | 2019年11月30日 (星期六) |
時間: | 第一塲 – 下午2:00 – 4:30 第二塲 – 晚上6:00 – 8:30 |
地點: | 多倫多國際電影節 TIFF Bell Lightbox |
地址: | 350 King St W, Toronto, M5V 3X5 |
Project SPOTLIGHT專訪一 | Nov 07, 2019 (ON)
Project SPOTLIGHT專訪二 | Nov 08, 2019 (ON)
Project SPOTLIGHT專訪三 | Nov 16, 2019 (ON)
OMNI News | Nov 08, 2019 (ON)
Dear Honoured guests, Pastors, and JBVC’s friends,
On behalf of JBVC’s VIP and volunteers, we thank you for attending our 5 year anniversary celebration!
Your best wishes and word of encouragement meant so much to us. May all the praises and glory be our God alone!
Again, we were grateful for your support. We look forward to seeing you in our future events.
Thanks to our photographers Derek Kwan, Julio Kan, and Eton Leung for capturing the precious moments, and to all the volunteers for their achievement!
Special thanks to: | |
Please click here for more event photos.
We are sincerely inviting you to join our 5-year anniversary celebration of becoming a charitable organization. Our special VIP guests from Taiwan will be performing. Free milk tea will be offered while quantity lasts! Please come to enjoy our awarding winning milk tea and great performance.
For inquiries, please call 647-558-5282
Date: | Saturday August 10th, 2019 |
Time: | 4PM |
Venue: | First Markham Place food court |
Address/Map: | 3255 Hwy 7, Markham L3R 3P9 |
星島新聞稿 – 2019年08月04日
明報新聞稿 – 2019年08月05日
CCM Vancouver celebrated their 40-year anniversary along with “Walk for Love 2019” walkathon event on June 22nd at Riverfront Park. Our VIPs at Vancouver joined this meaningful fundraising event with pleasure to contribute back to the community.
Thank you for all your sponsorship and prayer support to us. Our team has 35 people (11 VIP) joined this meaningful event and we have raised over $4200, which means 84 African kids will benefit from clean water. With your support, they no longer need to walk 6k daily to get dirty water and encounter danger on the road. Praise our Lord who poured shower of blessings on us and we all enjoy the wet yet fun event! |
If you are participant who wants to obtain the event photos for personal use, please send an email request to info@joybeyondvision.ca to gain access to the event photo gallery.
We are participating in the 2019 Global 6K For Water fundraising event running for World Vision’s Water Projects. You are welcomed to sponsor us, or join us for a great cause. Your family and friends can join too. Registration is free! There are sufficient parking at the site. If you are interested, please visit our JBVC 6K team page to support us or join us.
Date/Time: | Saturday May 25th, 2019 9:30am |
Location: | Downsview Park |
OMNI News | May 09, 2019 (ON) | 全球6公里義跑活動 – 專訪加拿大世界宣明會愛心大使胡斯翰
Your Impact
Every $50 fundraised provides clean water that lasts for one person. 100% of funds raised during this event goes to World Vision’s Water Projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In the region of Menkao, only 55% of the population has access to potable water, and only 15% having access within 30 mins of their home. These projects will impact the lives of 13,834 people through three communities.
World Vision has since committed to allocate the 2019 Global 6K funds towards the following projects in the Menkao community: