Our monthly meeting for VIP is on Saturday, October 31, 2015.
The venue is at 105 Gibson Centre, 105 Gibson Drive, Markham.
The time is from 11AM to 2:30PM. Continue reading “JBVC October’s Meeting”
Our monthly meeting for VIP is on Saturday, October 31, 2015.
The venue is at 105 Gibson Centre, 105 Gibson Drive, Markham.
The time is from 11AM to 2:30PM. Continue reading “JBVC October’s Meeting”
「人生盛宴」是中信中心與頌主播道會合辦的晚餐聚會, 於每月的第四個星期五晚上舉行, 內容包括有晚膳, 卡拉 OK, 排舞及訪問, 讓嘉賓們說出自己生命的故事, 及如何藉著信仰得著一個豐盛的人生。
八月嘉賓: 梁立安牧師, 樂明視障團的負責人與你分享他如何在黑暗中找到那光芒的故事。
日期: 2015 年 8 月 28 日
時間:晚上 7:00 – 9:20
地點:中信中心 (Agincourt Mall at Kennedy & Sheppard)
晚膳收費: 自由奉獻
輕鬆提醒,我們4月會議是在星期六4月25日!時間是從上午11時到下午2:30.地點是 105 Gibson Drive, Markham, 105 Gibson 中心.
Gentle reminder, our April meeting is on Saturday, April 25, 2015! We will meet at 105 Gibson Center from 11AM to 2:30PM.
這個月我們邀請了一位成功從躁狂抑鬱症的康復者來分享. 標題是”找到黎明”, 講員將會分享 Continue reading “Monthly Meeting In April”
Please to inform that our monthly meeting is on this Saturday March 28, 2015.
The venue is at the gym of 105 Gibson Center, locates at 105 Gibson Drive, Markham. The time is from 11AM to 2:30PM. Continue reading “JBVC March Meeting”
Our November’s meeting is on November 29, 2014. It is held at 105 Gibson Centre, 105 Gibson Drive, Markham. The meeting is from 11:00AM to 2:30PM. Continue reading “JBVC November Meeting”