We are participating in the 2019 Global 6K For Water fundraising event running for World Vision’s Water Projects. You are welcomed to sponsor us, or join us for a great cause. Your family and friends can join too. Registration is free! There are sufficient parking at the site. If you are interested, please visit our JBVC 6K team page to support us or join us.
Date/Time: | Saturday May 25th, 2019 9:30am |
Location: | Downsview Park |
OMNI News | May 09, 2019 (ON) | 全球6公里義跑活動 – 專訪加拿大世界宣明會愛心大使胡斯翰
Your Impact
Every $50 fundraised provides clean water that lasts for one person. 100% of funds raised during this event goes to World Vision’s Water Projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In the region of Menkao, only 55% of the population has access to potable water, and only 15% having access within 30 mins of their home. These projects will impact the lives of 13,834 people through three communities.
World Vision has since committed to allocate the 2019 Global 6K funds towards the following projects in the Menkao community:
- Construct 4 wells with water treatment and distribution system built in Menkao center.
- Establish and train 4 Drinking Water Management Committees on maintenance, sustainability and financial management.
- Train 10 community members on manual and electric pumps repair.
- Construct latrines in schools: 3 VIP latrine blocks with disabled access and menstrual management rooms will be set up in 3 primary schools.
- Construct hand-washing stations: a rainwater harvesting system will be built in each school and each latrine will be equipped with a hand-washing system with a tap.